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I lovingly & joyously accept my sexuality & its expression.
My body’s desires are natural & normal. I feel safe being me.

The Foot Fraternity Model Roster!

Aaron  Ace  Adair  Addison  Andrew  Antonio  Apollo  Austin  Bailey  Barry  Billy  Blake  Brad  Brady
Brent  Brett  Brock  Bryce  Burke  Caleb  Carlos  Carter  Casey  Chase  Chinho  Chip  Chow  Clay
Colby  Cole  Colt  Cooper  Danny  Dennis  Denton  Devin  Dillon  Dirk  Drake  Draven  Eric  Ethan
Felix  Footstool  Gino  Glavin  Glenn  Grady  Graham  Grant  Grayson  Hale  Hunter  Jack  Jake  Jaret
Jay  Jesse  Jt  Juan  Justin  Kendell  Kevin  Korie  Kyle  Kyler  Lexx  Logan  Makay  Max
Mick  Morgan  Murdock  Nash  Nathan  Nelson  Nick  Nikko  Nomar  Omar  Parker  Perry  Peyton  Pierce
Pool  Preston  Ray  Reed  Renny  Rico  Ridge  Riley  Roberto  Rocco  Rodd  Royce  Rusty  Ryan
Sarge  Shane  Skyler  Sly  Spike  Stone  Stosh  Tate  Taylor  Ted  Tickling  Todd  Trample  Travis
Trent  Troy  Ty  Vaughn  Vince  Wade  Ward  Wayne  Winston  Wyatt  

Models are sorted in alphabetical order.
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The Foot Fraternity

Welcome to the Foot Fraternity: An Affirmation web site designed for people with a fetish for feet, footwear, uniforms, tickle, trample, etc. The MODELS on this site are STRAIGHT guys, who are of legal age. These men are comfortable with their own heterosexuality and did not mind having women or men at their feet. Being on this site is NOT an indication of their personal sensual preferences. It is designed for people who find the foot/shoe/uniform/etc. exciting, sensual and pleasing. There is no nudity or x-rated photos/films on this site, just fetish ones. Sometimes society approves of your sexuality, and sometimes not. The best approval comes from YOU. Accept yourself exactly as you are. You are worth it!

Please DO NOT ENTER this site if you are not into this fantasy. The purpose of this site is purely for those who have these fetishes and wish to find a healthy place to experience them. We have been interviewed by television (including National Geographic television show TABOO and DATELINE NBC) along with over 100 magazines/newspapers and over 300 radio interviews. Our purpose is to help people be accepting of who they are as human beings. Mean people are not welcome here!

The Foot Fraternity Statement of Purpose: To ignore or belittle those who differ from a "norm" can make a person feel depressed, worthless or alone. I cannot deny that person the peace of mind of something as simple as an affirmation of one's sensuality between consenting adults. No concept or institution which is indifferent to the needs of the human spirit can survive. Whatever your fetish, if between consenting adults, is just fine and very normal for you. The approval of all who come here is the fraternal brotherhood that we all seek. You are NOT alone in your desires and how wonderful that you have found a place to be your TRUE self.

© 2025 The Fraternity Ltd.
All rights reserved.
All images used with permission.

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Guess which Foot Fraternity Model this is:
He is a Straight, macho, alpha male, stud who believes that fags should be his "male foot slaves" who bow to him and grovel at his feet. When we first met, I confessed to him that I have a "male foot fetish" for men's feet, and "I kiss feet." He laughed in my faggot face and said that now I can be his "cash slave", or "human ATM" and pay for the privilege of "worshiping my feet", because I am his "homo bitch"? I was humiliated and embarrassed to admit to him that I needed, not just wanted to "lick his feet", "suck his toes", "smell his sweaty socks" and "kiss his feet". He said that I was a "queer sock lover", and he plans to take advantage of letting me "serve straight guys" and "worship straight men". "You're gonna pay, pay and pay more". just because he has "perfect male feet" and I am a "toe jam" eater who knows that "straight guys rule" "Yes, Foot Master, Sir, You are a stud who knows how to give humiliation and domination" to a "faggit foot slave". He knew instinctively that I would beg to "lick between his toes", have him "walk all over me", "trample me", and "shove his foot in my face". I was a pussy fag who had to have this treatment from a heterosexual man who would love the power trip and use me to "lick his feet", "suck his toes", "kiss feet" and "take a whiff of his sweaty socks" because I have a "gay foot fetish". This was the beginning of how I got Master ______ to be a male model for the Foot Fraternity. He knew that I was a foot lover and needed "his feet in my face". It started with simple photos of his "male bare feet" and quickly became a situation where I was his "foot slave" on a regular basis and had to promote him on the web site to have the visitors buy his "male foot fetish film", and "foot fetish videos" just because they also desired to "kiss his sweaty foot", "lick his foot sweat" and be "his foot slave". He got paid for every visit with me as he would start off by saying, "You are my bitch", so no more "free foot photos". It's time that you realized who's your daddy and that you will pay to be my "toe sucker" and "foot slave for life". I knew that I wanted to be "his footslave", but didn't know that it would cost me so much. He forced me to make a choice between staying with my lover or his feet! I can't believe that he forced me to do that. I was seduced by the "arch of his foot" on this "sexy guy", and needed to be his "foot mat" and foot stool. I had to pay to that honor! I chose his feet and ended my relationship. He asked if I need to "smell feet", "kiss foot" and "lick boot" as he laughed in my face. "Yes Sir", "I worship Straight men". I have a strong "male foot fetish" and I run an international organization for guys with a "shoe fetish" and want to be a "trample slave" or "toe sucker" to guys feet." His eyes opened wider and he asked if it meant that there are thousands of footslaves and "foot lickers" who want to take a "whiff of my feet"? Is this a "gay man foot fetish club" or something? I told him the truth and he has OWNED me ever since that confession. I have had to pay for his vacations, buy him a truck, and pay for every visit he made when I have to "worship him", "smell his socks", "kiss his toes", caress his feet and beg him to "walk on me" with "his perfect feet". To this day, he still loves this power that he has over me and other foot fags who have this intense need to "smell the foot sweat" of "his sweaty feet". Yes, we have a "gay foot fetish" and need this jock to order us to "Smell my feet" or "Sniff my socks" and now we have to pay the price for his "male foot fetish movies". He loves the control that he has by "wiggling his sweaty toes in my face", knowing that I and a "toe sucker" and will obey his orders. He was amused when I first asked to "eat his toe jam" and beg him to clip his toe nails in my mouth for me to swallow. Now he charges for this and makes fags all over the world pay for this gift from him! I asked about doing "male foot fetish video" and he loved the idea of being paid for this while he just sat back and relaxed with a beer while watching a football game or some hot straight films while "I am his footstool" or footmat. He would even have his straight brother come over and the two would play video games while I had to "smell their feet", worship him and pay them for "kissing the guys feet"! His brother also became a Foot Frat model (that is a clue for you to guess who this model is). Now he just walks in and I have to "kiss his boots" every time he enters or leaves my house. He knows that we all need to hear him command us to "Sniff my socks" or "Smell my feet" because we are his "gay foot slave". He knows that he can make the best "male foot fetish video" and collect big time when he laughs at us underfoot while saying, "He has a foot fetish" and "he needs my straight feet". This is all real, because I am his foot slave, and because we need to "make love to his feet", he can have anything he wants. His feet are very sweaty and smelly and this makes his laugh more when we have to "lick between his toes" and "eat his toe jam". This Adonis loves to "shove his feet in my face" while laughing at my humiliation because we "adore his feet". He can just "wiggle his toes" in our face and bark out an order, knowing that it will be done. It has cost a great deal to keep this Male Master as a Frat model Can you guess which model has just been described? Send in your comments or your guess to: Dug Gaines and if you are right, win a free hot story book of scenes of this "male foot fetish!"

After years of this contest, we close it by telling you that the answer is RODD.
